Deceased Donor Liver Transplantation
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Please click on the links below to access the complete information for each panel.
- New ERAS in liver transplantation… past, present and next steps
- Are short-term complications associated with poor graft and patient survival after liver transplantation?
Preoperative measures
- Which preoperative assessment modalities best identify patients who are suitable for ERAS for liver transplantation?
- Does prehabilitation improve short-term outcomes after liver transplantation?
- Does preoperative optimization of the nutritional status improve short-term outcomes after liver transplantation?
- Does preoperative psychological counselling improve compliance and speed of recovery after liver transplantation?
Intraoperative measures
- Does machine perfusion improve immediate and short-term outcomes by enhancing graft function and recipient recovery after liver transplantation?
- Which is the optimal anasthetic conduct regarding immediate and short-term outcomes after liver transplantation?
- Which is the optimal anasthetic monitoring regarding immediate and short-term outcomes after liver transplantation?
- Which cava anastomosis techniques are optimal regarding immediate and short-term outcomes after liver transplantation?
- Should surgical drains or T tubes be inserted intraoperatively to enhance recovery after liver transplantation?
- What is the optimal perioperative fluid management regarding immediate and short-term outcomes after liver transplantation?
- What is the optimal intraoperative transfusion, blood product and clotting factors management regarding immediate and short-term outcomes after liver transplantation?
- What is the optimal perioperative analgesia management regarding immediate and short-term outcomes after liver transplantation?
- What is the optimal timing for extubation regarding immediate and short-term outcomes after liver transplantation?
Postoperative measures
- What is the optimal management of thromboprophylaxis after liver transplantation regarding prevention of bleeding, hepatic artery or portal vein thrombosis?
- What is the optimal antimicrobial prophylaxis to prevent postoperative infectious complications after liver transplantation?
- When should drains and lines be removed after liver transplantation regarding reducing the length of hospital stay and enhancing recovery?
- What is the optimal physiotherapy, occupational therapy and rehabilitation management after liver transplantation regarding reducing the length of hospital stay and enhancing recovery?
- What is the optimal immunosuppression management to prevent early rejection after liver transplantation?
- When is the optimal time to discharge patients after liver transplantation with respect to short-term outcomes?
Special Lecture
Living Donor Liver Transplantation
Enhanced recovery of the living liver donor
- What is the optimal donor physiological workup to improve short-term outcomes of the donor after living liver donation?
- What is the optimal donor surgical workup to improve short-term outcomes of the donor after living liver donation donor?
- Does pre-operative counselling of the donor improve immediate and short-term outcomes after living liver donation?
- Does a multimodal approach to pain of the donor intraoperatively enhance immediate and short-term outcomes after living liver donation?
- Does the surgical technique for the donor influence immediate and short-term outcomes after living liver donation?
- What is the optimal prophylaxis against post-operative DVT in the living donor to avoid complications and enhance recovery?
- When is it safe for the liver donor to be discharged home and prevent unnecessary re-hospitalizations?
Enhanced recovery of the recipient after living liver donation
- What is the lower limit of graft to recipient weight ratio compatible with enhanced recovery of the recipient after living donor liver transplantation?
- What is the optimal patient selection regarding upper limits of MELD of the recipient to ensure enhanced recovery after living donor liver transplantation?